The evening before Janelle Monáe released her proudly pansexual party album, Dirty Computer, a spectrum of 16 people sat in an open conversation forum about ethnic queer culture. HEAR+QWERE's first session explored what it means being ourselves during a cultural awakening.
“There’s confusion and nobody wants to speak on it because [they] don’t want to offend anyone.”
While many San Franciscans opted into a Beyonce Mass at Grace Cathedral, the HEAR+QWERE group met at a comfortable space in the Mission District for our first forum. After discussing what queer means to each of us, we explored queer public figures and media sources.
Janelle Monáe came up, as well as Ricky Martin, RuPaul, Kehlani, and Lena Waithe. The search continues for more visible representation.
Queer podcasts that were shared include Bitchface, Bitter Brown Femmes, and Inner Hoe Uprising. (Thanks for sharing! *adds to queue*)
A straight male, visiting the US with a local queer friend, shared a recent experience of rejection after failed communication with an LGBTQ partner.
“The media and LGBTQ community have portrayed the Middle East as high-risk. You’re hearing this from the media, but come see for yourself.”
We certainly do plan to spread this "Qonversation" as far and wide as we can.
The next HEAR+QWERE discussion happens in Manhattan's SoHo District on Tuesday, May 8th at 8pm. RSVP for more info.
For a recap of HEAR+QWERE, San Francisco, email: