ItsQwere partners with the nation’s first LGBTQ book store, Giovanni’s Room, for virtual conversation event
Let’s be real: 2020 was dry and dark as fuxk. So setting the 2021 goal to be more involved with community building is about reclaiming the lost momentum from being in lockdown and reestablishing my social skills. I have forgotten how to talk to new people.
In the beginning of the pandemic, nearly everything planned for in-person was canceled or pivoted to online platforms, and I didn’t want to be part of the the virtual saturation by adding another calendar invite. From an event management perspective, it was intimidating and paralyzing.
Now that we’ve all experienced over a year of socially-distant celebrations, memorials, and (for some of us) work life, I feel more confident with considering a virtual ItsQwere safe space. If I learned anything during lockdown, it’s that any event I can attend from my sofa while wearing pajama bottoms is actually superior.
The time away from event planning has offered space to create new ways of connecting with y’all, and I’m excited to partner ItsQwere with Giovanni’s Room, the nation’s first LGBTQ book store, for a virtual book club during the month of May.
Join us in reading On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous by queer poet and novelist Ocean Vuong. The book club meets virtually on May 10th and 26th at 7pm PT / 10pm ET.
Register for the book club here.
I highly encouraged you to shop at in May using code ‘itsqwere’ to receive free shipping on this title.
If there’s someone or something QTPOC related on your radar, please share it with me on IG or email. I love being put on, and will definitely spread the goodness with others. Looking forward to fresh connections and expanding the queer network.
Damn, it feels good to be back.
xo, TT